I never got a positive pregnancy test

Marilyn_ Expecting BBY #1 👶🏽 10/29/19 💕💕💕💕💕

I remember testing thinking I was out and the whole time I was in! It took a blood test to confirm it! Doctors wouldn’t give me one right away because i wasn’t testing positive. But one day i got a call from the nurse to come in because I guess a blood test was order Then bam 💥 positive! Today I am 14weeks and 6days Trust ur gut I knew I was pregnant in an odd way. People told me here I wasn’t pregnant but I really was. Listen to urself trust ur body and listen to ur dreams. My dream an angel told me I was on the list lol the “pregnant” list it was a long line we all was in white and he was sitting with a list telling ppl when and if they would conceive. If I saw him walking down the street I could identify that angel! Thats how real it was!!! I was thinking I was next not realizing there was a line. And people ahead of me wanting the same thing! Life! But it happened it’s happening now! The angel looked at me as if I was special and perfect in every way imaginable.. it was so real! Trust in God! He’s listening.