Was this racist or just cosplay(costume)?


So I recently saw this post on facebook and I’m not sure how to feel. This twitch gamer was banned from Twitch because she changed her skin color in order to cosplay a black character. (for those who don’t know Twitch is a website where you donate/pay to watch people play video games) many are calling this black face, and racist. I am not sure how to feel about it because people change their skin color all the time to cosplay characters with accuracy. Like turning their skin blue for mystique, purple for a night elf, white for domino or orange for starfire. I understand she is portraying an African descent character, named Ajay Che, and she chose to change her skin color to match Ajay’s. There are people refuting that she can cosplay a character with out having to change her skin color. Which in fact many people have done so.

Is this Black face? Or is it Cosplay?

Ajay Che

Examples of Mystique Night elf Domino and Starfire cosplays.

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