Shes here 2 days before due date!

After being woken up this morning at 1am with my water breaking and then rushing to the hospital and getting there around 1:30am. Going from 2.5cm 80% when we first got there to the full 10cm 100% by 3pm. Finally started pushing at 4pm and she was here vbac (with the help of an all day fantastic epidural) at 5:10pm weighing 8lbs 3.5oz and 19 3/4 in long. My sweet baby girl is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen and i most definitely have never been so in love. I was a blubbering mess thinking about how this adorable little girl is mine. I grew this for the past (almost) 9 months. She is mine. My sweet little Maddison 😍❤❤❤❤