I’m at a loss for words...and very confused!

Catlin • Nurse, wife and mom to be to our 🌈 baby J due in June! 💗🎀

Okay so on April 4th I started spotting, by the 6th I had a bigger clot fall out and so I assumed I miscarried because earlier that week I confirmed my pregnancy with multiple hpt and blood work.

This is what fell out on the 6th.

Well a week and a half goes by and in the time of course not unusual for anyone who has miscarried I’m still in denial that it’s happened. I just have “this feeling” well I never did go back to get blood work or see an obgyn since the miscarriage to make sure everything went back to normal like it should. So just out of curiosity i bought another hpt to see if it would come back negative cause i shouldve by now cause I was only about 4 maybe 5 weeks along.

Well that defiantly didn’t happen!! It came back positive almost instantly!!

So now I’m confused!! Should I go to an urgent care or ER or something. Give my doctor a call or what!?!?

This would’ve been my third miscarriage so when I started bleeding my heart dropped and I was hoping for the best. So maybe a miracle happened!?

Some advice would be great! Sorry it’s a little long just needed to explain it all.