My sister might finally get her baby!!

This is (obviously) not about me. I'm just super excited and it's a secret, so I'm posting my excitement here.

So my sister and her husband have been TTC for almost a decade now. They have even been going through fertility treatments to help them with no luck.

Recently, a woman we both know found out that she's pregnant again (baby #5 I believe) and is woefully unprepared and not at all able to keep another baby. So this Friday she is going to talk to my sister and her husband about adopting.

Obviously they plan on getting a lawyer involved because they have been hurt so often in the past. They just want to be 100% sure that if they start this process, the baby can't be taken away when it's born because she changed her mind or something.

I'm trying not to get too excited right now because nothing is set in stone, but I can't help but be a little excited that something like this might happen! I know they will be amazing parents and they both deserve this.