

Have any of you ladies tried it? If so, what are some side effects you experienced?

Anyone had a pregnancy while using it?

I recently had a baby (5months ago) whom i actually struggled to have, it took us 2.5 years to conceive. I thought i wouldn’t be able to have babies....Fast forward... im not sure if ill struggle to become pregnant again but i am also not trying to become pregnant any time soon so i decided to give this a try (just incase). My midwife says, “now that we know you CAN get pregnant, just to be safe.. unless im ready for two under two 😅 (which i am not, lol)

Anyhow, ive never had to use contraceptives therefore this is new to me. The pill, well, just seemed like a hassle having to take every day (at the same time). Better yet...What if i forgot?

The IUD and implanon well can be kept in longer... etc but i also didnt want to go through the procedure plus i would want to have another baby within a year 1/2 - two years. I stuck to NuvaRing but id like to know some side effects you ladies have experienced while using it.....

Also, i was given a year supply (12).

Do they HAVE TO be kept in fridge?