My labor did not got near as fast as I had hoped but was still fairly quick

My labor did not got near as fast as I had hoped but was still fairly quick. 
I chose to be induced at 39 weeks so I had my doctor (who leaves tomorrow for vacation the entire week of my actual due date) deliver my babe. I was a little worried about going in early as I have had 2 super easy, short labors but a measurement was also measuring off on baby so we decided that it would be best. 
I had to be in by 7 am but by the time they got everything hooked up and started the pitocin it was 8:30. I started having contractions but only on paper and even as they upped it I still wasn’t uncomfortable any just getting really really bored. Took several laps around just to get out of the bed and the doc came in around 11:30 to break my water. 
After they monitored baby I went to labor in the tub. I hate the feeling of peeing myself lol. Stayed in there for about 1-1.5 hours and decided that I wanted to get some pain meds in my iv. At this time they also turned off the pitocin as the contractions were pretty much back to back. Don’t remember what it was called but it worked for a little while. I told my husband I was over the contractions and just wish it was time to push lol. 
Well finally it was time to push and let me tell you I did not put that first push to waste. Remembering the sense of relief, I got him out in one push! Lord in heaven was I glad to be done with the continuous pain!
2:36 this afternoon we found out we had a baby boy! Big brother was super excited and big sister wasn’t sure she cared too much lol. 
Could not be more excited (or exhausted at the moment) to have our beautiful baby boy here with us!