Prolapsed uterus maybe?

Natalie • 28 || Married to my best friend♥️|| Baby #1 3/19 ♥️ Baby #2 11/22 || Baby #3 10/22 || Born-again Christian||

So, I feel like when I walk for a bit I have this just...weird feeling down there. Basically like you put a tampon in incorrectly. I'm almost 3 weeks PP but other times it feels sort of normal? I don't have that sitting on a ball feeling when I'm sitting down. I just checked and from what I could tell everything looks...normal? I tore below a one and only needed one stitch but it just feels... different. I'm sometimes bleeding off and on very lightly and I know I have that lochia alba. So...what do y'all think? It feels loose if that makes sense? I'm doing kegals when I remember but yeah lol.