Feeling down but hopeful


Hi Ladies. I just needed some support or positive stories today to keep hope. Since last fall I have been on clomid (not every cycle but most). It has been a real rollercoaster. I had to be stair stepped with clomid the last two cycles because by CD21 I did not ovulate. Stair stepping worked for me and I did ovulate with the most recent on 150mg (resulted in two eggs releasing & progesterone 44 very high). I got my hopes up way too much to be crushed by AF arriving yesterday. I had to go in for a baseline ultrasound today because I had two cysts from the 150. The one cyst is already gone but the other is too big for me to start another cycle this month. So we are not doing any treatment this month. This is super upsetting to me but there isn’t nothing I can do about it.

However the good - I really voiced to my RE today that I can’t mentally do another cycle of just clomid after so many months of it not working. We decided when I am cleared to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> I am going to be switching to letrozole and a trigger shot. This makes me feel hopeful in knowing that I will know the times we should be trying and that I ovulated (not a late ovulation again).

Any encouragement or success stories or just support is welcome. It has been quite a tough week 😢♥️👶