My son's birth story (long story)


My son's due date was the 16th of August 2015 (the anniversary of my grandma's death) was hoping to go a day over over my father's birthday. went in on my due date to be induced because I started to show protean in my urine.

Walking in the nurse was talking to my husband and mother telling them they should leave that I won't make any progress that night and that I was going to sleep if she had anything to say about it and she would give me sleeping medication

My mother happened to mention that sleeping medication sent her straight into labor the nurse stopped turned to us and said

"just because she is your daughter does not mean she will be exactly like you" and continued down the hall (it did send me into labor I was never given the pitocin)

We did the paperwork stating I would be induced and then talked to my Dr said he would start the pitocin in the morning

I was given the sleeping meds and I went to sleep

Not even 30 minutes later I started having contractions the nurse came checked me then put some more sleeping medication in my IV (without asking) and I passed out

Waking up again my contractions stronger

The nurse desided it was time for my epidural it all becomes a blur after that I barely remember the nurse checking me and telling me my water had broke and i had meconium in my water meaning my son had pooped in my uterus and that a respiratory therapist had to be present during the birth

Next thing I know another nurse woke me asking if she could check me that every time I was having a contraction my sons heart rate would drop (she was a whole lot nicer)

I was at an 8 1/2 so she stretched my cervix the rest of the way and I faded back out and was woken by the Dr telling me it was time to push next thing I knew my mom told me to get mad I yelled that I was and pushed and he was out he was green because of the meconium they took him to the side sucked out his lungs and cleaned him up then handed him to me

He was born the 17th my father's birthday at 10:34 7 lb 10 oz 21 1/2 in

Pregnant with my second one due the 19th of August (first girl)