Emotionally Drained

My husband had to leave again today. He's in the oilfield so he's gone all the time. I'm PMSing. AF supposed to start today according to Glow, but I'm usually irregular so who knows. 99% sure I'm not pregnant since he wasn't here when Glow said I was ovulating.
I'm ready to experience being a Mom. I will gladly take all the "negative" parts of being pregnant if I could just get pregnant. I hate hearing women complain about morning sickness, etc.
I usually try to stay upbeat. As bad as it sounds, after AF comes I try to think of all the positives about not having a baby. I guess I try to talk myself into believing it's ok if I never get pregnant. It doesn't work though. 😔
Sorry for the whiny post. Sometimes it's easier to deal when I write about how I'm feeling.