36 week ultrasound

Rae • 22 and mommy to baby Weston May 27, 2019💙👶🏻

Waited 2 hours to get a 10 minute ultrasound I don’t think I’ve ever been so pissed off in my life!!! The pictures I got are absolutely horrible! I got 5 total..2 being his face which I’ll show one being amniotic fluid, his butt, and the hair on his head. I was supposed to get 3D/4D ultrasounds too and she didn’t even do that for me. I have no idea what percentile he is I didn’t even get to see the ultrasound because she made me turn on my side so my back was to the screen and I was facing the wall. I literally cried for an hour after my appointment because I was so mad!! I didn’t get to see his hands or feet. We found out he’s breech and he weighs 5 pounds 10 ounces.

I haven’t had an ultrasound since 19 weeks so I was SUPER FUCKING EXCITED TO FINALLY SEE MY BABY after waiting 17 weeks to basically get shit on.🤦🏽‍♀️😭😭😭