Advice please


I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant. I’m a retail manager so I’m on my feet the whole time while I’m at work, starting last week I began having dizzy spells where my eyes sight would go blurry and my hearing would become muffled. Anytime I have an episode like this I have to sit down in fear that if I keep going I’m going to pass out!

It happened once Monday and two times on Wednesday while I was at work. Wednesday I decided it was time to call my OB because something didn’t feel right. The nurse I spoke to said it didn’t seem to be pregnancy related and probably my blood sugar is getting too low so she recommended keeping snacks that were high in protein with me, which I have been doing since then.

Today I’ve already had two episodes where I’m scared I’m going to end up passing out. I ate a high protein breakfast and I am currently snacking on peanut butter crackers. Has anyone had anything similar to this and what did you do to help manage?