Not So Handy Husband!

My husband has his strengths, let me start with that. But house renovating is not one of them. He gets frustrated and doesn’t finish or rushes or half asses it. It’s extremely frustrating to me that he does this. I’ve already had to replace doors and trim throughout my house and the floor had to be ripped up because he put it in wrong 🤦🏼‍♀️

Thankfully my dad fixed all of it and I just had to buy all new stuff but my dad is pissed my husband does this. And then my dad bitches to me.

Believe me, my husband is an amazing guy and has the biggest heart ever! And the most amazing husband. But how do I tell him to stop touching the house and either let me or my dad do it?My dad can basically do everything (that’s not bragging that’s just fact) I’m grateful growing up my dad made me learn all things home improvement.

I am getting more and more pissed because things never seem to be perfect and he can’t seem to touch things in the house that are not expensive. I’ve spent waayyy to much money on his attempts. I don’t want to emasculate him because I know he’s good at fixing cars and air planes (he works on planes for a living) but house stuff, oh hell no!

Am I wrong to sit him down and tell him he needs to stop?