Needing some good advice 😯


I need help ladies.

My finance's EX just won't get the picture. They Have a 5 year old son I understand. The problem is she is always calling or texting him everyday it's starts off about the son then ends with what ever is on her mind. I've been dealing with this for two years. She used their son as a game chip to play my fiance. He then got 50/50 for the son and put a restarting order on her.

Most recent call was at 3am her telling my man she just got beat up by her boyfriend at a party and she wanted him to go and beat up the boyfriend and their son is screaming in the background because he saw all that my fiance only got up to go get his son and pissed her off more cause he did do as she said.

The calls are about the son messing up his room because he got mad, fell asleep with gum in his hair and is crying, that she is putting him back in diapers because he can't wipe himself right, he didn't want to eat his dinner, it's calls about any little thing.

We been having a lot more fights and was told that I needed to mind my own business because that was their son.

Ladies I've shown this little boys how to spell, ride a bike, change himself, I signed him up for school, read to him, I was the one that started the court processes in order to have 50/50, because my fiance didn't get a chance to see him grow up unless he gave her what she wanted.

I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to just look the other way when she calls and texts