Pregnancy is HARD! but amazing!!! 🙏🏼


Today I’m 8 weeks pregnant! (Mostly bloat lol) omgee where do I begin? first of any girl that has gone through pregnancy, I seriously admire you!! You are strong! You are brave! you are powerful! you are like a superwoman in my eyes! I never really realized how hard it could really be... yess I know some girls have a way smoother pregnancy than others but that seriously doesn’t change the fact that pregnancy is HARD!! from all day nausea that u can’t seem to ever escape to feeling drained and no energy left in you! To feeling like you can’t keep doing this whole thing anymore, from feeling like 💩 and crying your eyes out because of how tough it gets sometimes, to begging god to ease all these icky feelings while you are head in the toilet not being able to stop vomiting! It’s hard and seriously Wow Woman are strong!! Say it louder for people in the back! I’ve lost 15ibs from the day I found out I was 5weeks pregnant to now 8 weeks and I seriously cannot wait for this first trimester to be over and hopefully have an easier second trimester😩 don’t get me wrong though I know Iam beyond blessed! everyday I thank god for giving me this opportunity to become a mommy I pray that my icky symptoms don’t go away for longer than a few hours at a time cause believe it or not feeling like 💩 is what reassures me everything is ok with my little baby bean! so to any girls that have done this multiple times or even just once! You are so brave and I applaud you because you are seriously the definition of STRONG! 💪 S/O to all mamas or moms to be you guys are all the greatest beings out there!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼