My Birth Story


My baby was born on 3/23/2019. I cannot believe he is already a month old. His original due date was 3/28/2019. On the 22nd i was at work eating my lunch at 11:30am when i stood up and felt a small gush. I went to the restroom and put on a pad and thought let me see if this is my water or discharge. I went back to eating and would sit and stand and i could feel more gushes, so i knew it was my water. I was already 4cm dialated and 90% effaced from my appointment earlier that week. So i told my boss, and called my husband that i would pick him up. I gathered my things and more started to leak out, so i got a towel and got in my car and started to drive to the hospital. I called my husband and told him change of plans im going straight to triage. I only work about 1.5 miles from the hospital. So i get there and park and its like a movie scene. Im calmly walking to triage while my waters are gushing and it looks like I've peed my pants. They admit me and tell me they need to make sure its my waters. The nurse checks me and that caused the flood gates to open and she says its definitely your waters. Once my husband arrives and they monitor my contractions they move us into a delivery room. By this time its about 1 so two hours after my water broke. They wanted to start me on pitocin because im not contracting. I agree to the pitocin and they continue to turn it up every so often because they cant see my contractions and im only having them every 1/2 hour. By 7pm the contractions are very intense to me and i ask for the epidural. The anesthesiologist was amazing and got it in quickly. At 8pm its fully inserted and they check me and im at 6 1/2 but my contractions are still 15 minutes apart. So they continue to up the pitocin. Well we rested for hours and around 1:30 am my husband was going to leave to get some food, but he asked that they check me before he left. At this point my contractions were 5 min apart. The nurse said she thought there was plently of time because my contractions were so far apart. Well turns out i was 10cm but the baby was very high, so i didn't have the urge to push. Infact i never had the urge to push. So she sat me up in bed and we labored down for an hour to see of baby would come down. After an hour and half they checked and baby had not come down. I made the decision to start practice pushing. Well in 10 minutes he went from -2 to 0 station, so we were ready to start real pushes. I started pushing at 3am and my sweet baby boy was born at 3:57 on March 23 2019. This is where the difficulty started, about an hour after his birth while doing skin to skin and trying to breastfeed they were massaging my stomach and i started to bleed badly. There were massive clots and lots of blood. They took the baby to weigh him.and measure him and i started to hemorrhage. While they were checking babies blood sugar and so on i started to feel really bad. This part of the delivery is hazy for me, i remember watching the blood from the reflection on the ceiling and they asked if i wanted to feed the baby, but i remember telling them i didnt feel right and then everyone was rushing around weighing pad after pad of blood that started gushing out. I got very hot and started sweating and vomiting. They tried 4 different medicines to stop the bleeding and finally they nurse asked if it was okay to do a blood transfusion because i lost 3 times the normal amount of blood. I told her yes. They also asked if they could give the baby formula, and i remember agreeing to that because i was in to place to nurse him. I dont remember times very well but i think i started the blood transfusion at 6am or 7am. Thats when my mom left for work, i remember she wanting to stay until i was stable. But we didnt leave the delivery room until 10am, so 6hours after i delivered. In the end we both turned out healthy. After the transfusion i felt much better, but i blame the pitocin, i learned later that hemorrhage is a side effect. My delivery wasnt typical, my contractions never got closer than 5 minutes apart, and i didnt respond to medication the way people normally do, but i would do it again in a heartbeat for this little boy. Nikolai Javier Vidales 7pounds 15oz, 20.9 inches