Am I overreacting?


Just a quick question! I am 32 weeks pregnant and so so ready for my little girl to be here. I’ve been in such a good mood today for the first time in a while. So I work at Walmart and this lady randomly comes up to me and asked if it was okay to pray for my baby. I smiled and told her that would be fine and thank you. She told me she just got a bad feeling that there was a call on my baby’s life and that she wanted to pray for me to hope that nothing bad happens to her. Then she grabbed my stomach and started praying to it in the middle of everyone. It kinda really upset me that she would even come up and tell me that something bad might happen to my child. Idk if I’m just thinking too much about it, but how would y’all feel if someone randomly came up and said something like that to you? I jut can’t stop thinking about it.

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