Just thinking

I just broke up with my boyfriend and I’ve been thinking about our relationship. I don’t why I put up with his shit for so long. It was wonderful in the beginning but it all changed last December. He wouldn’t stop talking to this girl for months after I told multiple I don’t feel comfortable with that. He said she was a “friend” but she would send love letters and nudes to him. He said loved her attention and that I wasn’t giving him anything. He would start arguments EVERY night. He didn’t like it when I wanted to spend time with my family or friends. He looked through my phone multiple times to see if I was ever talking to someone. He would question every little thing I did on social media. He would always suggest breaking up whenever we get into a big argument. He cheated on me with the girl he kept talking to and his ex. He would get very upset when I didn’t want to have sex. Sometimes I just wasn’t mood because I had a bad day or I had to be home for a certain time. I had a pregnancy scare and he didn’t even care. I was afraid to have sex for a whole month (I decided not have sex again until marriage). I also found out he was going to prom with three other girls. One of the girls kissed him too. I spent probably 100+ dollars on him and I got nothing in return. He always give excuses on why he never had money once the bill came. He didn’t have a ride to his job that’s literally 2 minutes away but he got a ride to the skate park and mall. He had no goals or ambitions. I know I have made mistakes but at least I owned up to it. I would call him out on things and he would act like it wasn’t a big deal or I was overreacting.