Starting Over

So I’m almost 37 weeks this week and having to find a new OB in a new state. This was most certainly not an expected thing, but we haven’t had great luck lately. First we got new insurance due to my husband getting a new job, my previous doctor called me up and said they didn’t accept the new insurance we had and they wouldn’t let me deliver there and she had already cancelled my upcoming appointments!! So not only did this suck, but we are in the process of selling our house and we got an offer way sooner than expected so here we are moving to a new state. Well we got here this week and I know nothing about this place, where to even begin looking for a good doctor. I’m just praying they’ll take me without any issues. I’m worried me being so far along will be an issue. Maybe that’s just me being paranoid because I’m so close to my due date.. So much for my birth plans! lol It’s not fun starting over, especially so late in pregnancy. I’m just ready to find a doctor and get my appointments back on track. It’s been 3 weeks since I have been to an OB and at this point I’m supposed to be going once a week. Luckily I haven’t had any issues in the mean time, but it has been stressful. It will be nice to just be settled down again after the move and to have a doctor to go to until my baby gets here.