My racist fil

So my FIL always is getting into me and my boyfriend business. Like when we told him how we divided the bills he started screaming and throwing stuff at me (I was 32 weeks pregnant), claiming I used his son for money (even tho my boyfriends never bought me anything and we split the bills so I buy all our house stuff, half the bills and everything for our son but he pays rent and half the bills. )After that we stopped talking to him until our son was born and was in critical condition for the first 10 days and my BD wanted his dad for comfort. His dad didn’t come to vist tell he was 17 days old and when he did he came INTO THE NICU smelling like cigarettes and cheap Cologne not caring our son was still on a vent. He grabs my arm super tight and started talking and in my head I’m like why is this weird old man touching me. He than says he’s been sick for a few weeks so I say please put on a mask because I don’t wanna risk my son getting sick, he lost his shit. He started yelling about how he shouldn’t need a mask to see his own grandkid and I’m just making things difficult because I don’t like him 🙄. Fast forward to today we’ve been home for a few weeks and my baby daddy barley helps, I’m basically raising my son on my own. But I’m trying to make changes to try to get my baby daddies family more involved in hopes my baby daddy gets involved. So I messaged his dads wife asking for my FIL number so I can talk to him about the fight we had and make amends. She messaged me, and I quote, “you need to fuck off. He doesn’t wanna get involved in your bullshit”. Keep in mind Both the fights we’ve had he started and I wasn’t rude to him at all, In the first fight I told him it’s really none of his business how we divide the bills and I’m not gonna argue with him about something me and my bd are both ok with and the second I literally only told him to put a face mask on. I message her back saying “ok bye”. My boyfriends phone started blowing up from his dad and his dad called me a “Mexican black bird boarder hopping tramp” 😐that’s when I decided I was done. I messaged his dad saying that I am Mexican and so is his grandchild and I will not be scared of him because he’s racist. I was raised by a strong single mother who taught me to not fear a man and I won’t fear him and I won’t insult him but until he apologizes he won’t be allowed to see my son. This was his response

I’m 16 and he thinks because I got pregnant at 16 by the man I’ve been dating for 3 years and slept with one person I’m a “common street whore” 😐 (my boyfriend is older than me) so up until this point I was polite but I snapped and said this

I’m honestly so proud because I only said one remark about him that was rude. He uses his wife for money and doesn’t work and hasn’t in years so if anyone is using someone it’s him.

I’m just so over this because I wanted peace and he did this. I feel bad for my boyfriend because now he’s stuck and his dad is telling him if he actually cared about him he’s leave me and take our son even tho I’m the one who cares for him 🙄 ughhh