HELP! Is he cheating? (Long post)

I’m going to try and make this story as short as possible and try not to let the anger and disappointment take over. So about a month ago. I asked to borrow my husbands phone to take pictures of my phone because I’m selling it and needed to take a few pictures. Well we were in bed. He was laying down, turned on his camera and handed it to me, took a few pictures and a snap chat comes up on his notifications. Snapchat from Val. In the notifications bar pops down. I looked at it and really debated on opening it just to see who the hell this Val is and why they were sending him snaps at 9pm. But I didn’t (now I wish I had) instead I looked at my husband and asked “who the hell is Val” guys when I tell you he jumped out of bed. He got out of bed as if the bed was on fire I had never seen him get up so incredibly fast. He took his phone back and said it’s valentene a guy he works with. Keep in mind I have NEVER heard him mention any “valentene” he works with. So I said okayyyy 🤨. And that was it. Fast forward to last week. He woke up at 3 AM on a Saturday for work he got off at 11:30 AM when he got home he told me he was going to take a nap so I said OK and I was laying in bed while he was in the shower he got out of the shower and me and my son were already taking a nap because we had woken up early too. Anyway he comes out of the shower and tells me he’s going to go downstairs to watch a show so I said OK. 1o’clock Rolls around and I wake up and my husband isn’t there so I go downstairs and he’s sleeping I looked at his phone and he has a Kik Notification on there so I wake him up and ask him why the fuck he has Kik on his phone. Of course he plays stupid and doesn’t know what I’m talking about. So I go upstairs I get my son dressed I get dressed and we leave he doesn’t ask me where I’m going doesn’t ask me what I’m going to do doesn’t say anything. I go to my best friends house and I talk to her about everything and she of course thinks that he has something going on which is my thought also. So eventually I go back home and he sits me down and he continues to tell me that he didn’t know what I was talking about because I woke him up and he was still half asleep he opened up his Kik app and told me that he has it installed for his PS4. I have never seen a notification for kik on his phone before so I’m not stupid. Fast forward to the day before Easter. We took my son to a waterpark because it was his third birthday after the waterpark I looked at his phone again to see what time it was because the water plug part was closing soon and yet another Snapchat from Val. At that point I was so upset that I would just give him an attitude the rest of the day. Keep in mind he hasn’t opened my Snapchat that I have sent him from three days ago from my son because throughout the day I sent him a Snapchat or videos or something you know .? So he has yet to open that snap. Fast forward to Easter yesterday I look at his phone again and yet another Snapchat from Val is on there at this point I am so enraged and so angry that I have no idea what to think or do I am eight months pregnant last time I brought it up to him whenever the whole kik situation happened he told me that I was out of my mind “ you’re eight months pregnant with my child why do you think I would ever cheat on you” in my head zI was thinking if it could happen to Khloe Kardashian it can happen to anyone. I can bet money he has another snap waiting for him. And don’t get me started on his FB. He has it set that I can only see our mutual friends. And post that I’ve tagged him in. Other than that I can’t see anything. I can’t even see the likes or comments on his pictures. I just don’t know what to do but I’m on the verge of a mental breakdown. I mean if I weren’t pregnant I’d have no problem telling him off and getting into it with him. I’m a hot blooded Latina and don’t do well with things like this. I tend to go with my gut and go crazy on someone but I’m 8 months pregnant and trying to keep it together. I honestly don’t know what to do 🤔🤔😩