What do you think?

I’m currently due with my first baby and I’ve had a bit of a stressful time this last week and I’m generally a bit nervous about the whole thing.

I’ve had a family member ask me if I can make more of an effort right now with another family member just because it would be nice for them (I’m pretty sure there’s nothing more to it at all and that’s the reason they gave). My other family member hasn’t mentioned me or asked anyone to make more time for them, it’s just what the family member who mentioned it to me has thought would be nice.

I’m not at all against the idea and I’d like to speak to them a little more but I do speak to them already/ I have been meaning to but I’ve obviously been pretty busy and distracted very recently and as I’m currently due and they were almost slightly complaining that I don’t have more time put aside for other people at the moment and putting the burden on me in particular (and not someone else in our family who is not due to have a baby), I thought the timing of asking me/complaining was a little inconsiderate and I feel under pressure now when I should just be focusing on my birth and baby for the next week or so at least so could it not have waited a short while/they asked someone else for now. Do you think it’s reasonable to be a bit annoyed by the comments? Thank you.