Silent Miscarriage at 19 weeks

I feel so lost right now. I don’t know what else to think anymore. We had our first doctors visit back in February and everything was healthy. Doctor said sense I’m so young (19) I am super healthy, the baby was healthy, everything was looking good that I don’t have anything to worry about having a miscarriage.

Weeks went buy and we went to a doctors visit in March and everything was looking good, heartbeat was good, everything was good.

We did the genetic blood test and everything was low risk. No family history with anything. Everything was healthy healthy healthy.

I was eating healthy. Taking care of my self. Did nothing that could of harm the baby.

We had a gender reveal last week of March and found it we were having a girl. Everyone was so excited. This would have been the first grandchild on both sides and our first child. We went shopping, starting making plans for the future, and everything.

With no thoughts of ever miscarrying. We went to our 19 week ultrasound appointment Friday. I lay on the bed all excited too see the baby love and say hi and hear the heartbeat, until all the sudden the lady informs us there was no heartbeat.

She says the heartbeat stopped about 3 weeks ago. We couldn’t believe it. WE COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. I was in SHOCK. I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t understand why this happens if EVERYTHING was so healthy????

It’s been 4 days and I feel like each day that goes by I start to think more and more of what could have caused this. My whole family is devastated and know one can believe that this happened.

I had no symptoms at all and still don’t. Not blood. No cramps. No pain. No nothing. What beats me up the most is that I would think that this life I was creating inside of me was healthy and alive and it turns out it wasn’t for the past month. I’m so heartbroken. I feel so disappointed.

I don’t know what else to do besides cry and cry and just think why why why why!!! 😫