Baby #2

Keisha • FTM to a beautiful baby boy! 💙

So just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2 today. We have a 10 month old and my boyfriend and I are a little scared. We took 3 test and they are all positive. We really don’t know how to feel. We are super happy to be adding to out family. But they are so close in age and we are scared about how our 10 month old will react with the attention will be on the new baby. He will be 18 months when the new baby is due Any advice?

Edit* I’m also just sad because this should be a happy time. And I don’t feel like I can tell anyone because I feel I’ll be judged for having them so close together and not being married. My family and his has already mention something about getting married before having any more. And my one friend that I would tell has been trying for a baby for a few months now. And she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet and I feel like a terrible person for getting pregnant again unplanned when she can’t while trying. And I don’t feel like I can tell her about it either. And I just feel sad that I can’t tell anyone without feeling this way. And I want to tell everyone and be happy about it.