I got a negative preterm labor test but was told I’m still at risk?!


At 22 weeks I noticed some very light spotting. It happened 2 time within 30 mins of each other. By the second time it happened I called my dr. To see what they thought and finally talked to triage (I had to call them like 4 times before o got an answer🙄) anyway talked to the nurse and she said I should be ok but to monitor everything and if I had more blood and/or cramps to go to the hospital. Well I still felt like I would like to just have my dr check me so I made an appointment but had to wait until Wednesday (2 days later) i had no more blood and I don’t think I felt any cramps but I’m not sure. Tuesday night I felt pulsing pressure on my right side. But I’ve never had cramp that felt like that.

So on Wednesday I get to the dr. And the nurse saw my chart and said “oh if there was blood you should have been told to go to the ER.” I thought well then you should talk to whoever was doing triage the other day cause they don’t know what that are doing. But she said since I hadn’t had any more bleeding the dr. Would still check me and we’d go from there. I talked to the dr. Heard baby’s heartbeat (and she had been moving around like crazy since Monday so that made me feel better) And she did the preterm labor test and checked for any infections too. Then checked my cervix and said i wasn’t dilated and my cervix was high and firm like it should be so she want worried too much. So she told me they’d call by the next day with my results. Well they didn’t i trued to call them and got no answer so I finally got through on Friday, talked to the rudest triage nurse. She tells me the preterm labor test came back negative but that I was still at a low percentage risk of going into labor early for the next 2-3 weeks 🤨 that doesn’t sound negative to me!!! I had ask her what does that mean? Like should I not have sex? Or what? All she said was if I was having cramps I shouldn’t have sex. And that’s all could get out of her. Then I asked about the other tests and she said there weren’t any more test showing up. At that point I was just annoyed and want to stop talking to this lady who acted like I was bothering her for doing her job.😠

So I just looked “low risk of preterm labor” online and feel like I got more answers from that! But I’m still unsure about somethings. Like should I not have sex or even orgasm for the next few weeks? I’m 23 weeks now and have been taking it easy and haven’t had anymore blood or cramps.

Has anyone else as this happen to them or something like it?