People are annoying.

So we announced on Easter that we were having our first baby. People know our struggles with infertility for the past 3 years because we have been open about adoption due to not being able to have a baby of our own. Well after announcing that we wanted to adopt and were looking into different organizations, our doctor told us he was willing to do 1 more round of

<a href="">IUI</a>

(artificial insemination). We didn’t think it would work but it did! We found out at 3 weeks and waited until 13 weeks to tell. Immediately comments came flooding in with people congratulating us but then throwing in “you better enjoy your sleep now”, “get ready to pull your hair out and scream”, “Hopefully you don’t go insane in the first month” or “enjoy having freedom now while you can” and things like that. The same people who knew we have prayed for this baby for sooooo long and have had heartbreak after heartbreak were the same people making these comments. To some people I guess it’s funny but to my husband and I it isn’t. I get that I will be up countless nights, I get it will be hard, I get that there may be things that come up that I want to do but my child comes first. I get it. But when I’m up all of those nights with a crying baby, I will be thankful. I’ll be thankful because I never got to hear my other babies crying who are now in heaven. I may not get to do some things but I look forward to traveling with my baby because we intend to do fun things as a family. So while I get there will be hard times, I also understand that there will be joy even in the midst of all of it. I just wish people would honestly think before they speak.