Dating advice, help


I’ve been dating this boy, and I really like him. He makes me smile and laugh, and whenever he texts me I feel giddy, whenever i see his smile my heart races. But, he loves me more than I love him. I’m not actually sure if I love him, we haven’t been dating that long and I have trust issues. I haven’t said I love you back yet, but I feel horrible that I only like him when he loves me. I’m still kind of hung up on these two boys, a year ago I met two boys(boy 1 & boy 2) and I quickly developed crushes on them, I still have feeling for them, with boy 1 it’s simply an infatuation that hasn’t gone away yet, but boy 2, i still think about in a romantic sense. I think I might even like my old crush more than I like my current boyfriend. Should I just wait for my feelings to go away for boy 1 and my feelings for my boyfriend to strengthen? Or should I just break it off, I don’t want to, but if it’ll prevent me breaking my boyfriend’s heart I’ll do it.