Not enough milk..😥

Niki • 3 + years ttc. 1 miscarriage. 6 failed IUIs. IVF-FET Baby boy 04-03-19. IVF- FET Baby boy 01-10-22

Was really hoping to just breast feed, found out a few days after my little boy arrived he wasn’t getting enough from me so we have to supplement with mostly formula. I’m getting maybe 2 oz worth of milk in a whole day of pumping when I add them all together..

I’m drinking the special teas and eating the cookies.. but I’m not seeing an increase.. I feel really awful and upset over this.

I know he’s still getting that little bit from me so that’s good, but it’s exhausting really draining on the emotions to see how little comes when I pump every time.

Any one else going through this or know how to help milk supply increase?!