No Cookies For Mama 🍪 🛑


So my OB told me yesterday that I’m not allowed to have sex until my second trimester. 🤦🏾‍♀️. I feel so bad for my Husband cause we’re some bunny rabbits lol. We have sex at LEAST three times a week. And now he must wait for another 5 weeks 😂😂😂. And I would give him oral, but the way my morning sickness is set up 🤢. But if I’m being honest I’m secretly relieved she said it, cause since I’ve been pregnant my sex drive has dropped drastically. I don’t know if it’s cause I feel so sick (probably the exact reason lol) . So now I have a reason to say no. Anyone else have to wait the long wait during any pregnancy? How’d your SO feel about it?