When should we BD?

Brittni • Married 2 years 💕 - 🤰🏻 with our 👶🏻 - 2 fur babies 🐶🐱

Ok ladies, I need your help.

A little bit of a back story first. We have been trying to conceive since February 2018 with no luck. Finally in February my OBGYN started helping us and started running test and what not. We found out that I have hypothyroidism and that I am not ovulating. She put me on Clomid and this is my second round. I took my last dose this month on the 16th. Last month she ran labs on CD 21 and I did ovulate! 😊 Last month I had extreme cramps during ovulation. This month I’ve had a few here and there but got a solid smiley tonight. When should we BD? Also, does anyone know if the cramps mean you are ovulating or that you should ovulate within 24 hrs? Thank you in advance!