Septate hymen question

Hey! So I’m 19 years old, have had sex before maybe like 10-20 times (I have a bf). Anyway I have a septate hymen. I have been suspicious of this since I was 13 and got a tampon stuck and my mom was like “that’s not possible” but I knew it was stuck on something but couldn’t explain it. Anyway, I get a tampon stuck usually once per cycle, and I have to use a mirror and sometimes even tweezers to “thread” the tampon string to the other “side” of my septate hymen. So yeah, the tampon is small enough/ the hole is big enough that the tampon can go on either “side” of my vagina, but when I visited the gyno to confirm that I have a separate hymen a few weeks ago, she said that one of the holes is too small for anything to enter. But I know that’s not true Bc I can put my finger around both sides of it! So anyway. My real question is, if I have sex w my boyfriend before I get my hymen cut and it breaks, how much will it hurt? I’m getting it cut in 2 months and I have been having sex with Bc regularly. But I’m really scared for t to break before my surgery

TLDR: I have a septate hymen that I am getting cut in 2 months. I use tampons and have sex. Sometimes the tampons get stuck. I have yet to have an issue with sex. But I’m always scared it might break. How bad does it hurt when / if it breaks? Should I stop having sex just in case until after I get it cut?

Edit: the gyno says not to worry about infection since the hymen “tears” in regular situations anyway. She says the real only “danger” to me having sex is the pain that would happen IF it breaks before I get it removed. Sorry! Should have made that clear!! Oof that would be awful if it got infected. Anyway, Would love some advice from girls who have had septate hymens torn by sex or tampons instead of surgery! Ty!