Need to vent/advice.

I've been with my boyfriend since March 2018. In April 2018 his baby mama messaged me on facebook saying he had cheated on her physically and emotionally while they were together. I stupidly believed him when he told me she was lying because she didn't want him to be happy with someone else.

Fast forward to November and we go to Oklahoma for his son's birthday party. His baby mama and him went on a walk to "talk about their son," which I was fine with. His son ended up breaking his leg going down a slide at the park so we had to go to the ER. The next day we went back home from Oklahoma and that was that.

Beginning of January I could tell something was up with him..he and started taking his phone everywhere with him..I saw him talking to his baby mama at midnight and she asked, "have you told her yet?" He just kept making up lie after lie about what she was referring to.

The next day she messages me on facebook saying he had told her he still had feelings for her and she told him the same back in November..that while in the ER they had held hands and he had "held her face like he used to when they were together and that it felt like nothing had changed between them." She also told me he said he didn't know why he asked me to marry him. He told me that he was just confused on his feelings since they had a son together but he wanted only me. After breaking up for a week we got back together.

A few weeks later we start fighting because he keeps talking to other girls in a more than friendly way although he claims they are only his "friends." He decided to take off to his mom's for the night rather than talk to me about things..that night I found out i was pregnant.

Since then he's been messaging other girls still..and I found pictures of naked girls in his email that he had apparently resent himself [they were apparently sent to him back in 2013 and he kept them in his email]. He's also been looking up some of his exes on facebook.

At this point I'm 4 months pregnant and tired of putting up with his crap but I'm worried about when the baby comes if we aren't still together as far as the delivery and him being there. I still love him but I've gave him multiple chances and things will get better for a few weeks and then start back up. I just don't know how much longer I can deal with it all. He also has a difficult time keeping a job. Anyone been in a similar spot while pregnant? What did you do?