My "Men are seriously clueless" rant


When I don't sleep well (sleeping well is waking up and being able to fall back to sleep relatively quick for me), it really throws off my day. I get super emotional and just drag ass all day. Basically, I'm a hormonal, tired teenage girl.

Today was one of those days. Almost cried getting ready for work (again)

Got upset that my clients actually showed up for their appts. And got excited that my last client didnt show up and I could leave work a few mins early.

I got home and fell asleep until my husband got home. He asked me how my day was and everything. I said something along the lines of not being able to wake up today. His response was....

"I wish I had your problems"


I responded with "I'll gladly trade you. Actually please let's trade problems right now."

What's the most clueless thing your SO has said to you so far? I know I can't be the only one!