My father is law is something else

Okay seems like a weird group to post about your father in law. But I just have to share. He’s a douche and I’m not a big fan. He treats his wife like crap, she’s his servant. He made her tie his shoes once because he was being a big friggin baby. And due to their religious beliefs she does whatever he says. Because he’s the “leader”.

So he has blamed his inability to do commercial fishing on the fact that “his wife is just not a fisherman’s wife”. Meaning she doesn’t like him being gone for long periods out at sea. Well. Recently he confessed to his son (my brother in law) that the real reason is that he “refuses to take care of himself.”

My husband thought that meant he couldn’t wipe his own ass without his wife to order around. So he clarified. Oh no. He means he refuses to masturbate because he has never been very good at getting himself off. And since according to their religion that’s her duty, and he doesn’t want to go without he’s sat there and told his son he won’t jerk off. That’s his wife’s job. So he can’t work a good paying job because he won’t go without service for any length of time. 🤢

And people wonder why she seems so unhappy.

Just to be clear I don’t like either one of them. Because they have deeply hurt my husband and they don’t care for me.

But seriously. What a douche bag!