Dates changed when scanned.


I know my exact dates as to when I conceived and AF etc and I used ovulation sticks to know when I was at my peak. So I knew I was 7w1d. But when I got scanned, baby measured 6w1d..

(I was bleeding which is why I got scanned)

The baby was basically stuck to the top of the yolk sac when you look at the scans, however the doctor said it was nothing to be worried about as it would hopefully just come down. I was told everything was perfectly fine. HB was 120bpm.

3 days later, I miscarried. Is there anyone out there that knows how to read a scan picture, do you see anything strange or abnormal that could maybe give me a reason why this happened?? I would just love some kind of answer or advice as to how to avoid this happening again.

Thanks ladies. Xx