Constant growing anxiety about anything to do with baby


Y’all I have no idea what’s happening. When baby was born, I never was constantly checking his breathing and overly worried about anything like many new parents are. Now I’m constantly worrying about everything. I’m fighting my instinct to have baby sleep in the bed with me. I feel that it’s natural for babies to sleep with their moms. At first he slept in his dockatot with us, then in the bassinet and now it’s back in bed. I’m terrified of SIDS. I want him transitioned out of the dockatot. But then I’m reading that EBF moms (which I am) lower the risk of SIDS when baby is close. Is the bassinet next to the bed okay?? I can’t even imagine putting him in his own room. I’m worried about not using safe skin and bath products. I use dove sensitive and aveeno. I’m worried that our baby monitor is putting off radiation. I’m worried that I’m not creating good sleep habits and then I’m trying to change them all at once. Not falling asleep on his own, using paci, rocking, swaddled. He’s starting to roll so he needs to get out of the swaddle but it’s so hard. Im worried someone is going to drop him or leave him to fall. Im worried about the stuff in diapers so I switched to cloth but he is getting more irritations because I can’t use as much diaper creams! I’m worrying about everything all of a sudden! It’s causing so much anxiety and sleeplessness