Big Brother


I have been so scared my oldest was going to not accept his new brother because he’s kind of an attention seeker and needy.

The first day he ignored me and refused to let me touch him which of course made me cry. The second day he was a lot better still had that betrayed look but would hug me and let me give him kisses. He showed zero interest in his brother both times. Also, he is 19 months old.

On the second day the nurse is washing up his brother so were holding him so he could watch. His brother starts crying and he gets super serious and then slowly he starts crying with him and then he decided he doesn’t want to cry squirms out of my

Husband s hands and starts pushing the nurse to leave his brother alone as he is growling like a dog.

It was so cute we all couldn’t help but laugh. I guess he’s going to be a protective older brother.