Is the Dr. wrong for this??


Hello ladies, So to start off I am 30 weeks 1 day pregnant. My baby boys due date is July 3rd. Now flashback to my first appointment, I went in thinking I was 8 weeks 5 days. My dr. Performed an abdominal ultrasound (which I thought was weird, considering they usually do a vaginal ultrasound if you are less than 10 weeks) and told me I was only 7 weeks 1 day. I’m sitting there thinking, how could I be a week and a half off? My cycles have always been regular and I just seemed resistant to the idea that I wasn’t as far along as I calculated. Flash forward through my whole pregnancy so far, I’ve had three ultrasounds since that first one because I’m at high risk for my asthma. Every single ultrasound, our baby has been measuring 2 to 2 & 1/2 weeks ahead! He has been in the 95th percentile since I was 18 weeks. Could I have been right about my original calculation? Or is my baby just huge? If I was correct before, that would make me 32 weeks tomorrow. Which matches up with baby’s current size. That being said, if I deliver at what my dr thinks is my 38 weeks, could that actually be my 40 weeks? And if I deliver at what my dr thinks is 36 weeks, that could actually be my 38 weeks? This is my first pregnancy, so I’d appreciate some positive feedback about what you guys think is going on. Maybe I just have a huge baby 😂💙

28 weeks (or 30??) headshot of our little man: