When should I tell my bf that I love him????


So I’ve had this question come to mind for the past week now.

Me and my boyfriend have been talking since February and made it “official” on Apr 1(April fools I know lol). It was a long distance relationship up until last week when he moved in a city near me, and even when we were long distant we would talk to each other EVERYDAYYY. Even now we’ve been having movie nights, cuddling, and enjoying the small things with each other 😊😊

I know this is still in the beginning of the relationship, but I can’t help my feelings, but I don’t want to seem like I’m rushing it. I want to let him know how I feel, I just don’t know how or when 😥 I’VE NEVER BEEN THE ONE TO SAY I LOVE YOU FIRST so I really need some advice on this!!

I do feel like he does feel the same, but I’m nervous to say anything!!

Please help ❤️