Family sharing the news 🤦🏼‍♀️

👱‍♀️🤰🏼Soon to be Mommy of 2🤰🏼👱‍♀️

So SO and I have been trying to conceive for a few months now.. finally got our BFP. We are 5 weeks and only told a couple close people incase something happens. We told (my mom, his mom, and each of our best friends) other than that we wanted to wait till after first trimester. Well my mom went and told basically everybody in my family and all her coworkers. Then her coworkers decided to talk to my 4 year old about it who SO and I didnt plan on telling yet. I was upset and everyone thinks I dont have a right to be. Am I wrong for not wanting people to know yet and being pissed that they broke the news to my daughter?