stressing out rant


okay so I was laid off at work because it was a full time but temporary job and they kept me 4 months longer than they were supposed to because they liked how much work i was getting done. this was 2 weeks ago, so now im taking some time to myself to kind of relax while my SO picks up the work since he was off the past 9 months and i supported us, now he is. we dont have a problem with it. I have Medicaid, SNAP and WIC, so i dont have to worry him about food and groceries and i can eat healthier than i was when i was working.

We moved down here in december and have been living with my parents and its really starting to piss me off. My mom makes twice as much as both of us put together, my step dad is a whiny piece of shit and a sad excuse for a man. My mom pays the rent, electricity and water. I (now my bf) is paying for cable, internet, phone, groceries for him and i (its a buy your own food in this house) our cell phone bill, car payment and insurance, and he is paying for our puppy to get neutered and that care. We make it on our own. saving for our trip to maryland for my baby shower in october, and for our own apartment(thank god! but it cant come soon enough)

my mom blows money. like she has no sense of saving. my step dad sits at home on his ass all day and watches tv, bitches and complains when my mom doesn't have money to buy him more beer and copenhagen. (because they spent it on bills beer copenhagen and concerts and bingo games) they have three dogs that haven't been fed in 3 days and he keeps trying to convince her to get ANOTHER damn dog. and now because they went out last night for god knows how long to play bingo, eat dinner and go to a concert. she has no money to a) get dog food b) buy her own damn groceries and c) put gas in her car for the next two weeks.

and im really getting sick and tired of this stupid "man" beating my damn dog because his dogs shit in the floor and he wont hit and discipline his own dogs. he takes it out on mine.

end rant. sorry.