Advice please for my hormonal thoughts!


I’m 35 and having my first child in September. Many of my friends already have children and 2 close friends have had babies at the start of this year, I have a very small handful of friends that do not have children.

I’m feeling a little deflated because throughout all my friends pregnancies I have been supportive, keeping in touch, arranging times to go and see them and making catch ups after the babies arrive easy for them and around their routines. I have thrown countless baby showers at my own expense and bought many baby gifts and made food for them and their families when arriving home from hospitals.

Since announcing my pregnancy some my friends with children who I have done a lot for as mentioned above, don’t seem to be very supportive. For example, I am always still texting or snapchatting them to catch up, I’m always reaching out to ask how the kids or babies are and another example was that I bought a pram this week, my first purchase for my baby, and sent a Snapchat to a few friends and I don’t even get a response.

I feel like I’m forgotten, and I’m assuming it’s the hormones making me feel this way but I’m a little hurt. I have been very good friends to these girls and as selfishly as it sounds it’s my time now to be excited and prepare for this huge change in my life. My friends without children seem to be more supportive and still text and snapchat me, and not even about the pregnancy, believe me I don’t want to talk about my baby all the time but even a text or tag in a silly meme, which used to happen all the time, would make me feel like things were still normal if that makes sense. They all seem to be out and about and having coffees etc. regularly and I’ve been not contacting them as much this past week and I’ve received nothing and I honestly wouldn’t feel comfortable telling the few my feelings about it.

I’m not even holding my breath for anyone to throw me a baby shower, I guess my question to all of you is, are these feelings valid or is it the hormones playing on my insecurities? With all the changes that will be happening in my life I’m already overwhelmed and the thought that friends who I have always been there for perhaps won’t be there for me makes me sad. What are your thoughts?