
I’m tired of feeling excited each and every month. Hoping, praying, feeling that this time it will be different. Every month it’s another negative test after test. Cramps starting, on point 3 days before my period. Each and every month I lose it when I start my period. LOSE IT! I’m sick of balling my eyes out. I’m only on cycle 11, I know it’s so early compared to some who have tried for years. My heart aches for all of you. I could be you. I’ve dreamt of becoming a mother my whole life. I’ve been with my husband 11 years married almost 5. I waited patiently for him to be ready for this. He finally is but it’s just not happening... All of my family knows I’m trying. They’re all super fertile and don’t understand why it’s not happening for me. I’ve jokingly been asked by my sister if I know how babies are made. It’s so hurtful she just turned 41 and had baby #6 in November. I’m just tired and so ready for this. I’ll be 31 in July.

I just went to the doctor this last week and was basically told I was jumping the gun on getting checked out. My husband and I are still young and in good health. 🙁 Do I just go with my gut and get all of the tests done for us both or do I wait it out and see??