


⏰Every morning these babies wake up at 6am.

🛏And every night I promise myself to go to bed early.

📣Yet here I am!



Picture of my snack monster for attention. Lol.

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Posted at
6 am??!!! poor mom, mine goes to bed at 22:30 but thankfully sleeps til 09:00


Ve • Apr 27, 2019
its kind of odd when we stay over at grandmas mine wakes up at 7:30 sharp always


Pen • Apr 27, 2019
Mine is on a similar schedule, she’s up late which can be annoying but she sleeps late which helps me get my work done in the morning. Except even though my daughter slept until almost 10:30am yesterday when my husband and I were both working, she woke up at 8:45 this morning when we’re off 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂


Lu • Apr 27, 2019
Lol, they go to bed at 7 amd take a 3 hour long nap. So i can't really complain. Lol. But that is nice, your babes waking up at 9! 💙


Posted at
My little one always wakes at 6am, 6:40am if I’m lucky but I’ve just got used to going bed now at 9pm as he just tires me out so much haha!


Posted at
My daughter used to wake up at 6am but my husband switched shifts and works 8-8 everyday. So now she will scream and cry until she sees her daddy if I don’t let her stay up to see him. So bedtime is usually about 830-9 and wake up is about 8-9. But I have to mentally prepare myself for baby #2 coming in October and pray she still sleeps in til then 🤞🏼


Posted at
10 pm seems fine to me 😂 I’m usually in bed by 11, awake at 6 for work, while my daughter snoozes until 9 or sometimes later 😴 she’s such a freeloader. 😂😂


Pen • Apr 27, 2019
Ahh yes the every 2 hour wake ups are killer ☠️


Lu • Apr 27, 2019
😂 Freeloader. So, maybe it wouldn't be so bad but the baby still wakes up every 2 hours to say hello. So, it's not straight sleep? I guess maybe that makes sense. I need to go to bed earlier! 😭 But the quite time....I NEED it. Lol