Advice !

I have two dogs (mother & daughter) been having them for a couple years now . I fell pregnant & had my baby 4 months ago aside from that we had to move because of a conflict with the place we were in . My problem now is my dogs look sad at our new place there’s no free backyard for them to play like our other places & since I had a baby it’s been hard to jungle time for all 3 . My sons grandma wants to give up one of the dogs ( the daughter ) to someone who will have more time for her that way we’d make more time for at least the other one . Do you think my dog ( the mother) will fall depressed if we give up her daughter that she’s already been living with ? All dogs are different I know but I worry for her but I want things to work out . I want to make time for both but it is super hard with a baby & taking both dogs on walks is harder since I do not live in a good area ( too much gun shots around ) & I don’t want to risk their lives as well as mine .