Ectopic Pregnancy & HSG

Giovanna • Cat Mom 😻 TTC 👶🏻 Ectopic Pregnancy & Right tube removal in Feb 2019

Hi all! I am new here and I'm hoping to get some insight/support on a situation that was pretty traumatizing to me that happened lately. It is not something I shared with many people in my life... Only my husband and those closest to me.

To make a very long story short, I had an ectopic pregnancy in December, my tube ruptured and I had emergency surgery in the middle of February.

My OBGYN said that my next step was to get a HSG test done, which should show if there's any obvious blockages or reasons why I shouldn't try to conceive with my remaining tube. I was all for it, and they wanted me to come in after my first period post surgery, which was last month. It is a procedure done in Radiology.

Firstly, they didn't have a robe that fit me (I'm a pear shape, size 2-3x on top and 3x on bottom, 5'4). So I had to put one on the back and one on the front, which choked me and was humiliating enough on it's own. Secondly, they had no stirrups for the table, yet they expected my feet to be at the edge of the table and my butt handing off. Who besides Cirque du Soliel people can do that?! They also didn't have anything for me to hold on to in order to position my body how they wanted it, and I am a STRONG woman. If I had handle bars or something stable, I could have moved myself around. But I am heavy, and without something to hold on to, I can't maneuver very well. The radiologist was looking at me with the most disgusted look on his face, and the poor nurse was trying to help me but she was so tiny, that she really couldn't do much.

HOWEVER, this is apparently a very common procedure they women get done, so how are other women able to do it? SO my mind automatically goes to me being fat and that's why it wouldn't have been successful. But, it still seems crazy to me that even a smaller woman wouldn't have issues with where they wanted my body.

I was not able to get the test done due to other reasons, but the Radiologist said that even if I could have done it that day, I probably wouldn't have been able to because of the positioning. My OB said we could try it again (this month), and she would bring in someone from OB, but I'm not sure how that would help the body positioning.

So this is my long winded way of asking if anyone else has had this test done? Did you have issues? Is it because of my weight? If you did have the test done, was there stirrups for your feet or did they expect you to be in the same position as me? (This was at Kaiser, by the way.)

I really should get this test done, but I am so traumatized and humiliated, especially after just recovering from emergency surgery, and I am really terrified of doing it again, plus having the humiliation again.

Thank you in advance.❤️