Could I still possibly be pregnant?


Hey everyone.thanks in advance for any comments and help provided.

At was three days late this month and it only lasted 2 days of light spotting. But in darker color (sorry tmi I know). For the three days I was late I took a test on the first and thired day and both were negitive.

Now long story short when I was pregnant with my daughter I was in denial about being pregnant. I took 16 hpt over the course of a month. All negitive. I took my last test dec 24th. And on the 26th of dec I went to a clinic and took a blood pregnacy test and it came up positive. Did an ultrasound and found out I was a month and a half pregnant.

Help! We been ttc for 6 years and had one miscarriage. We are not trying to have false hope. This is just so hard. We even "stopped trying to get pregnant" and it still hasn't happened.