Increase sex drive after birth

Okay ladies! I had given birth 3 weeks ago to my beautiful baby girl. Ever since I got home from the hospital my sex drive has skyrocketed!!! 🚀 I mean like I literally wanna jump my husband 🤤 he was on baby leave for 2 weeks and let me tell you it was so hard to just not drag his ass to the room and rape him 😂 lately I’ve only given him blowjobs and handjobs but everytime I do I get the urge to just climb on him but this bitch aint even healed yet 😭 he does kind of give me some satisfaction, since I dont breastfeed he plays with the boobs and puts them in his mouth and just teases me 🥴 my question long after birth did ya’ll get your freak on? Did your sex drive increase or decrease after having a baby? I know your supposed to wait till you get the “all clear” from the doctor but just wanted to hear others opinions 😉