Poopy bath

My toddler it's 20 months old and honestly before I gave birth I had expected gross things would happen all the time but... there was the odd blowout a couple of times while I was learning how to properly change diapers and when to upgrade to a bigger size, and a night of throwing up about a year ago when baby monster chugged down a plate full of cherries without chewing. Amazingly few gross events if you ask me.

Tonight though...

Grandma was attending the bath tonight and suddenly she called for me. When I arrived at the scene, my toddler was happily showering at one end of the bathroom, and in the other end the bathtub was filled with the most disgusting floaters ever.

So little poop machine had the first poop-in-the-bath ever. Grandma said there was absolutely no sign of it happening until a little brown piece floated right in front of her - and she realized the tub was full of them!

I called my husband in and proceeded to laugh myself silly. Little one sleeps best if I'm helping, so grandma and dad got to clean up the mess while I took the toddler to bed.

I feel so sorry for them, but... this has been the most disgusting but in a way very much silly and fun thing ever happened in this house 😂